Magnepan 1.7i’s with the addition of a dbx electronic crossover and dual REL subwoofers.
Most notably, this crossover also features time alignment, and speaker / room correction too. This ensures not only best in class integration of the subwoofers and your Magnepans, it also removes your rooms colouration from the music you enjoy.
Everything you love about your Maggies will be magnified, and this applies to all models from all era’s… including the latest premium 30.7 model.
When we demonstrated this system at the Sydney Hi-Fi Show, Edgar Kramer of soundstage.com wrote:
‘Bill Mclean is an old hand at shows and always manages a great sound. With Magnepan MG1.7i speakers mated to REL S/510 subwoofers, the excellent blending communicated an engaging and powerful sound with excellent vocal presence and a big soundfield.
Amplification by Sanders Sound Magtech. AURALiC Altair G2.1, via a Melco S100/2 Switch, provided the tunes. As per Bill Mclean tradition, a digital SPL meter showed the sound levels in the room (excellent ear-saving strategy), which were just about spot-on for comfortable listening.’
Bill has installed and calibrated dozens of these dbx components in our showroom systems, and customers homes, with and without subwoofers, the results are always a major improvement in musical enjoyment. Your amplifier will thank you too… this is also as a result of your amplifier now experiencing an easier load from your speakers.
Bill says: ‘Applying professional grade speaker & room correction to any system brings excellent gains in frequency response and stereo reproduction. But when we remove the low bass from being reproduced by your Magnepans, and we send that bass frequency to one, or ideally two subwoofers, and then correct the in-room response of the speakers and subs… well, you need to experience it for yourself’.
We hope that you can personally make a time to come and experience the impact on overall sound quality, that is being achieved with this system upgrade, at either at the show, or here in our showroom.
→ Show tickets can be purchased here
→ Visit us in Room 1207