Mostly showing Magnepan speakers at past shows, this year Mclean brought in the DeVore Fidelity Orangutan O/96 speakers tightly driven by Rogue Audio Stereo 100 power amplifier teamed to the company’s RP-7 Preamplifier.
Music was handled via AURALiC Altair G2.1 Digital Audio Streamer and cables were from Lenehan Audio FoilFlex. Well, Mclean, you’ve done it again. I sampled several tracks from the sweet spot (of note, AC/DC’s excellent “She’s Got The Jack”) and the system played with delicacy and warmth when called for, and satisfying power and dynamics when needed (ergo the AC/DC track).
To the chagrin of many audio pedants who dislike the term, I’d call the sound here musical, in a way that could have had me staying there a whole lot longer."

And from the team at What Hi-Fi?
An excellent choice of tunes – including Diana Krall’s take on Desperado, and Nick Cave’s Into My Arms – made this a room hard to leave."